Bee University NYC is starting the process of developing a Board of Directors that will govern, provide guidance, and support the organization and our mission.

Interviews for key roles on the Board of Directors will start in May 2025 and continue on a rolling basis. Bee-U’s current Advisory Board members will be given priority for Board placements.

Our first Board of Directors meeting will be held in September 2025.

Bee University NYC Board of Directors

Thank you for your interest in serving on the Bee-U Board of Directors! Serving on the Board of Directors is a rewarding and unique opportunity to contribute to youth and community development in New York City. Based on the North Shore of Staten Island, Bee-U provides a chance to get involved with the education and environmental community in NYC.

Information about how to join the Bee University NYC Board of Directors will be released in May 2025

For more information, reach out to our Director of Development, Tavion Williams, at